Download Phorfeit Slant -BRK- Font

Phorfeit Slant -BRK-
Font added on: May 26, 2022
Font description

Penny eats too many doughnuts. She doesn't but I never seem to help myself from saying that. Penny is a punk. Penny makes me laugh and smile a lot. Penny's real name isn't Penny. Suruh calls me Meiry, and she's always happy and cheerful when I talk to her. I bet she jumps and kicks a lot. She likes guys that look or dress like girls. She likes wearing pink army pants and doggy collars. She's a party animal. I love penny because she's always herself. She never changes - I always liked talking to her and I seem to find a lot of stuff to talk with her about. This font is partly-based on her handwriting - notice her nice "a" - she writes it just like the print letter! Penny is special. And so can you be, by downloaing this font and using it a lot! Whoop!

Font category
Full name of the font

Phorfeit Slant -BRK-

License information

Free personal and commercial use

Designed by

Ænigma Fonts - Brian Kent

Designer another website

Font file name

Phorfeit Slant -BRK-.ttf


Digital font data provided under commercial license by W.S.I. (205)880-2277

Font family

Phorfeit Slant (BRK)

Font sub family



Version 2.01




\(c\) Rebels, Designed by Michel Valois



License description

The fonts that are being given to you by means of download from the World Wide Web Site, are "Freeware" fonts. You may download and use them as many times as you like, for private, educational, governmental or commercial use, within the proper limits of the standard "Freeware" license. You may not use these fonts as embedment fonts on web documents. Please do not redistribute these fonts in any way, or make any changes to the font files, unless you have received authorization from the creator of these fonts, Meir Sadan (E-Mail: Meir Sadan takes no responsiblity whatsoever to any damage being caused to the user's computer system as a result of using the font, these fonts are given away for free and it is the user's responsibility to properly use them. Fonts are copyrighted ? 1998-1999 Meir Sadan.



phorfeit slant -brk-,phorfeit slant brk,phorfeitslantbrk,phorfeitslant-brk-,italic

Preferred sub family


Compatible full



Character Map Phorfeit Slant -BRK- Font